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IRS Cancels Fourth Furlough Day

IRS Furlough DaysInternal Revenue Service employees who had a long weekend trip planned for the scheduled furlough on Monday, July 22, are cutting their vacation a little short.

The IRS informed its employees on Friday that it has made remedial budget changes that allow it to keep the agency in full swing on that Monday.

While some may have welcomed a day off, others are relieved at the news. This upcoming Monday would have been the fourth unpaid workday for the employees since the furlough went into effect earlier this year

National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley said the cancellation of the furlough delay was a “positive development.”

Kelley said the NTEU would continue working with the IRS to find savings that will allow it to cancel the fifth and final scheduled furlough day on August 30th.

The IRS has recently been hit hard with financial scrutiny as investigative committees throughout Washington, DC are investigating it for abusing its power over the past few years.

In June, a financial leader in the Senate, Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) proposed cutting the planned $70 million worth of bonuses scheduled to be awarded to IRS employees.

IRS Principal Deputy Commissioner Danny Werfel has indicated that he agrees with Grassley’s proposal and said he will continue to work to eliminate the bonuses despite the fact that the agency has collective bargaining rights with the NTEU pertaining to the bonuses.

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