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Tax Headaches for Mary J. Blige

jUnless there are dramatic drug or crime problems, no one capable of running a successful singing career fails to pay their taxes simply because they forgot. There has to be another reason. Mary J. Blige falls into that category. Unfortunately, she hasn’t made the reason public. She says simply that she has the wrong people in the wrong places in her organization.

Mary J. Blige owes a lot of back taxes. The Federal Government filed a lien for $3.4 million for unpaid taxes from 2009 until 2011.  When the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) files a lien, it covers everything you own including anything you bought after the lien was filed.

According to the associated press, a representative for Ms. Blige said that she was working to resolve the dispute as quickly as possible.  Unfortunately, when you owe the IRS more than $50,000.00 unless you…

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